• Fire Risk Assessment 2018

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Fire Safety Training

Fire Safety training for all staff is a legal requirement in the UK under the Fire Safety Order 2005. Active Fire Management deliver on-site (at your premises) fire safety training on a UK-wide basis. The objectives of each course focus on maintaining compliance with legislation and in empowering all attendees with the required knowledge and competence to understand the dangers of fires, maintain risk awareness and know what to do in the event of a fire. The range of fire safety training that we offer include:

  • Basic Fire Safety Training Courses
  • Fire Marshal / Fire Warden
  • Fire Safety Training and Responsible Person Courses

Fire Safety Courses - Legal Requirements & Meeting Your Needs

Our fire safety training courses are customised to ensure that we can where relevant include findings from your fire risk assessment and include any company specific procedures as required. We provide customers with fire training course attendance records, fire training course evaluation forms measuring our fire training effectiveness and fire training course certificates to keep on file should these be requested during any inspection by the Local Authority or during a fire risk assessment.

Click on the following link for further information on our Fire Safety Training Courses.

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Fire Safety Training & Risk Assessments